Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Education Center

Benefits of Converting Waste Heat to Create Sustainable Steam Systems in Your Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Plant

Written by Andy Lin | Sep 3, 2020 6:00:00 PM

Bora Pharmaceuticals has come up with a way to benefit our Zhunan site by converting the waste heat generated from our steam system. To support operations running smoothly at the Bora Zhunan site, the boiler needs to generate 1225 kg of steam per hour to fulfill the facility’s requirements. When steam is passed by the heat-exchanger, it became steam condensate and got recycled back to the water supply tank of the boiler. However, we found there was some steam mixed within the condensate and that steam was inefficiently released to the atmosphere. So, we looked for ways to perform “kaizen” to the system. We determined that we could recycle the waste steam to preheat the process hot water system and this resulted in several improvements including:

  1. Energy-saving, gas reducing, and water consumption in boilers.

  2. Reduced sewage discharge and boiler water treatment expenses.

  3. Reduced CO2 emissions.

  4. Reduced pollution to the environment.

  5. Reduced operation costs.

We modified the exhaust pipe of the steam condensate system which was open to the atmosphere and then connected it to the exhaust pipe of the heat exchanger of process hot water system to preheat the hot water.

Before Improvement

(54-32)* 28992 L/H = 637,833 KCAL/H   Steam Boiler Power:  637,833 *(22/22) = 637,833 KCAL/H

After Improvement

(54-32)* 28992 L/H = 637,833 KCAL/H   Steam Boiler Power:  637,833 *(18/22) = 521,863 KCAL/H

Waste Heat Recycle: 637,833* (4/22) = 115,970 KCAL/H   Gas Saving of Waste Heat Recycle per Day, 115,970/8900*24 = 312 CMD (about 10 % of total amount usage)


Steam systems must be routinely checked, you must analyze the historical data, and pay attention to where there might be energy waste. Through inspection and data analysis there are opportunities to reduce energy consumption, provide cost-saving, and contribute to environmental protection.

As we know, the pharmaceutical industry is a high utility consumption business. This is not just in the operation of the boiler system and the HVAC system, but also in the Chiller, Cooling Tower, and other facilities.  It is important to have the expertise to maintain a facility in good/efficient working conditions and control utility expenses in a balanced way as Bora Pharmaceuticals does. As a CDMO looking to be fiscally, environmentally, and socially responsible we can also save our customers money.

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